The relationship between impairments of visual perception and of non-verbal
intelligence was studied in 28 children who, due to the nature of their ne
urological pathology, were at risk for visual perceptual impairments (high-
risk), and IS mentally disabled children without such risk (low-risk). Thei
r age range was 3-14 years. A child was considered specifically visual-perc
eptually impaired (VPI) if performance on the De Vos task, a visual object
recognition task, was weaker than expected from the baseline performance le
vel obtained on non-verbal intelligence subtests. Accordingly, 22 high-risk
children (79%) were classified VPI, against only four low-risk children (2
2%). Comparing intelligence data of children with and without VPI revealed
a WPPSI non-verbal to verbal intelligence impairment in the former. At the
subtest level, comparing five verbal and five non-verbal WPPSI subtests, an
d five subtests from the Snijders-Oomen non-verbal intelligence scale, reve
aled a difference only on Animal House. The absence of any systematic effec
ts of specific visual perceptual impairment on intelligence subtest perform
ance leads us to conclude that in these children VPI and selective non-verb
al intelligence impairment coexist as two separate and irreducible deficits
. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.