Ground motion attenuation with distance and the variation of excitation wit
h magnitude are parameterized using three-component, 0.25 to 5.0-Hz earthqu
ake ground motions recorded in the distance range of 15-500 km for southern
California to define a consistent model that describes both peak ground mo
tion and Fourier spectra observations. The data set consists of 820 three-c
omponent TERRAscope recordings from 140 earthquakes, recorded at 17 station
s, with moment magnitudes between 3.1 and 6.7. Regression analysis uses a s
imple model to relate the logarithm of measured ground motion to excitation
, site, and propagation effects. The peak motions are Fourier velocity spec
tra and peak velocities in selected narrow bandpass-filtered frequency rang
es. Regression results for Fourier amplitude spectra and peak velocities ar
e used to define a piecewise continuous geometrical spreading function, fre
quency dependent Q(f), and a distance dependent duration that can be used w
ith random vibration theory (RVT) or stochastic simulations to predict othe
r characteristics of the ground motion.
The duration results indicate that both the variation of the duration data
with distance and its scattering decrease with increasing frequency. The ra
tio of horizontal to vertical component site terms is about root 2 for all
frequencies. However, this ratio is near unity for rock sites and is larger
for soil sites.
Simple modeling indicates that the Fourier velocity spectra are best fit by
bilinear geometrical spreading of r(-1) for r < 40 km and r(-1/2) for r >
40 km. The frequency-dependent quality factor is Q(f) = 180f(0.45) for each
of the three components and also for the combined three-component data set
s. The T5%-75% duration window provides good agreement between observed and
RVT predicted peak values.