We present a variant of a traditional genetic algorithm, known as a niching
genetic algorithm (NGA), which is effective at multimodal function optimiz
ation. Such an algorithm is useful for geophysical inverse problems that co
ntain more than one distinct solution. We illustrate the utility of an NGA
via a multimodal seismological inverse problem: the inversion of teleseismi
c body waves for the source parameters of the M-w 7.2 Kuril Islands event o
f 2 February 1996. We assume the source to be a pure double-couple event an
d so parametrize our models in terms of strike, dip, and slip, guaranteeing
that two global minima exist, one of which represents the fault plane and
the other the auxiliary plane. We use ray theory to compute the fundamental
P and SH synthetic seismograms for a given source-receiver geometry; the s
ynthetics for an arbitrary fault orientation are produced by taking linear
combinations of these fundamentals, yielding a computationally fast forward
problem. The NGA is successful at determining that two major solutions exi
st and at maintaining the solutions in a steady state. Several inferior sol
utions representing local minima of the objective function are found as wel
l. The two best focal solutions we find for the Kuril Islands event are ver
y nearly conjugate planes and are consistent with the focal planes reported
by the Harvard CMT project. The solutions indicate thrust movement on a mo
derately dipping fault-a source typical of the convergent margin near the K
uril Islands.