We demonstrate how the separable least-squares technique of Golub and Perey
ra can be exploited in the identification of both linear and non-linear sys
tems based on the prediction error formulation. The model classes to be con
sidered here are the output error model and innovations model in the linear
case and the Wiener system in the Pion-linear case. This technique togethe
r with a suitable choice of parametrisation allow us to solve, in the linea
r case, the associated optimisation problem using only np parameters instea
d of the usual n(m + p) + mp parameters when canonical forms are used, wher
e n, m and p denote respectively the number of states, inputs and outputs,
We also prove under certain assumptions that the separable optimisation met
hod is numerically better conditioned than its non-separable counterpart. S
uccessful operations of these identification algorithms are demonstrated by
applying them to two sets of industrial data: an industrial dryer in the l
inear case and a high-purity distillation column in the non-linear case.