Firms who are involved in R&D activities are often "racing" against competi
tors to become the first to attain the desired breakthrough. The goal might
indeed be to "beat" the competitors in as many such R&D races as possible.
However, when resources are limited, and competitors' budget allocation to
these R&D activities unknown, the challenge becomes to devise a method of
allocating R&D budgets to activites in a strategically "optimal" way. We mo
del the decision problem of a firm wishing to allocate a fixed budget among
several activities, so as to maximize the expected profit from the activit
ies it captures. The probability of capturing an activity is an increasing
function of one's allocation to it, and a decreasing function of the compet
itor's allocation. For a specific plausible capture-probability function, w
e find the optimal allocation between two activities conditional on the com
petitor's allocation (the "reaction curve"). Nash and Stackelberg equilibri
a for that model are then characterized. We also briefly explore the implic
ations of more general, or different, capture-probability functions.