Objective To provide biomedical researchers and clinicians with information
regarding and recommendations for effective rehabilitation measures for pe
rsons who have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Participants A nonfederal, nonadvocate, 16-member panel representing the fi
elds of neuropsychology, neurology, psychiatry, behavioral medicine, family
medicine, pediatrics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, speech and hea
ring, occupational therapy, nursing, epidemiology, biostatistics, and the p
ublic. In addition, 31 experts from these same fields presented data to the
panel and a conference audience of 883 members of the public. The conferen
ce consisted of (1) presentations by investigators working in areas relevan
t to the consensus questions during a 2-day public session; (2) questions a
nd statements from conference attendees during open discussions that were p
art of the public session; and (3) closed deliberations by the panel during
the remainder of the second day and part of the third. Primary sponsors of
the conference were the National Institute of Child Health and Human Devel
opment and the National Institutes of Health Office of Medical Applications
of Research.
Evidence The literature was searched through MEDLINE for articles from Janu
ary 1988 through August 1998 and an extensive bibliography of 2563 referenc
es was provided to the panel and the conference audience. Experts prepared
abstracts for their conference presentations with relevant citations from t
he literature. The panel prepared a compendium of evidence, including a pat
ient contribution and reports from federal agencies. Scientific evidence wa
s given precedence over clinical anecdotal experience.
Consensus Process The panel, answering predefined questions, developed thei
r conclusions based on the scientific evidence presented during the open fo
rum (October 26-28, 1998) and in the scientific literature. The panel compo
sed a draft statement that was read in its entirety and circulated to the e
xperts and the audience for comment. Thereafter the panel resolved conflict
ing recommendations and released a revised statement at the end of the conf
erence. The panel finalized the revisions within a few weeks after the conf
erence. The draft statement was made available on the internet immediately
following its release at the conference and was updated with the panel's fi
nal revisions.
Conclusions Traumatic brain injury results principally from vehicular incid
ents, falls, acts of violence, and sports injuries and is more than twice a
s likely to occur in men as in women. The estimated incidence rate is 100 p
er 100 000 persons, with 52 000 annual deaths. The highest incidence is amo
ng persons aged 15 to 24 years and 75 years or older, with a less striking
peak in incidence in children aged 5 years or younger. Since TBI may result
in lifelong impairment of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial functionin
g and prevalence is estimated at 2.5 million to 6.5 million individuals, TB
I is a disorder of major public health significance. Mild TBI is significan
tly underdiagnosed and the likely societal burden is therefore even greater
. Given the large toll of TBI and absence of a cure, prevention is of param
ount importance. However, the focus of this conference was the evaluation o
f rehabilitative measures for the cognitive and behavioral consequences of
TBI. Evidence supports the use of certain cognitive and behavioral rehabili
tation strategies for individuals with TBI. This research needs to be repli
cated in larger, more definitive clinical trials and, thus, funding for res
earch on TBI needs to be increased.