Background: Peripheral blood basophils from 10% to 20% of donors fail to de
granulate in response to cross-linking the high-affinity IgE receptor Fc ep
silon RI, The molecular mechanisms underlying the nonreleaser phenotype hav
e not been established,
Objectives: Our aim was to compare the expression of Fc epsilon RI-associat
ed protein tyrosine kinases between nonreleaser and releaser basophils,
Methods: With use of Western blotting we investigated Syk and Lyn protein l
evels in highly purified basophils from 3 anti-IgE nonreleasers and 2 relea
Results: We identified 3 healthy nonatopic donors whose nonreleaser basophi
ls express Fc epsilon RI normally but fail to express protein for the tyros
ine kinase Syk, which is implicated in the initiation of Fc epsilon RI-medi
ated secretion. Protein levels for the tyrosine kinase Lyn are somewhat red
uced but not absent in nonreleaser basophils, Levels of Lyn and Syk protein
are similar in B cells,eosinophils, and neutrophils from releaser and nonr
eleaser donors. During these studies one nonreleaser "converted" into a rel
easer with concomitant basophil Syk expression.
Conclusion: The absence of detectable Syk could explain the nonreleaser phe
notype of basophils from some donors.