The questing behaviour of ixodid ticks serves for identification and locali
sation of approaching hosts and is evoked by carbon dioxide, vibrations, vi
sual and odour stimuli. In an olfactometer, we examined the specificity of
the questing response of larvae of Boophilus microplus, a one-host tick whi
ch develops mainly on cattle, and Ixodes ricinus, a three-host tick with a
broader host spectrum. While all mammalian odours tested were equally stimu
latory for I. ricinus, B. microplus was clearly more activated by bovine od
ours. A phenolic fraction of bovine odour stimulated B. microplus only. Att
ractive components of the host odours were identified by exposing the ticks
to single chemicals and mixtures. Single chemicals stimulated questing res
ponses only at levels higher than the levels detected in the bovine odour.
However, an artificial odour blend of 37 pure chemicals, diluted to concent
rations at which the individual components were inactive, proved to be as e
ffective as natural host odour for both tick species. Further fractionation
of the blend revealed that the combinatory effect was achieved by only 7 c
ompounds in both species. Although B. microplus responded to the same syner
gistic mixture of volatiles as I. ricinus, it showed significant higher sen
sitivity to the cattle-associated compounds 1-octen-3-ol and 2-nitrophenol
and this might contribute to its host-specificity.