This study was designed to assess total carbohydrate (TC) concentration, as
well as the noncollagenous protein content, in human dental pulp. Pulps we
re obtained from eight premolars (13.10 +/- 4.33 mg weight, mean +/- SD) an
d homogenized in saline solution. TC content was as follows: 16.68 +/- 9.49
mu g/mg of tissue (mean +/- SD); 3.22 +/- 1.69 ng of TC/mg protein (mean /- SD); and 16.23 +/- 6.80 mu g of TC/mg total organic material (mean +/- S
D). The high concentration of carbohydrates observed in the pulp is a resul
t of the presence of glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans (chondroitin-6-sulfa
te, heparan sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and dermatan sulfate), and proteoglyc
ans, whose structural, biochemical, and physiological functions have been w
ell documented. Dry weight determination using dichromate solution was used
because it shows less dispersion than when the data on carbohydrates and p
roteins are expressed as wet weight.