Unimolecular electronic devices use the energy levels, or conformations, of
one molecule or a very few molecules, and are contacted electrically from
the outside. When made practical, these devices, the 'advanced guard' of un
imolecular electronics, should leapfrog below the 50 nm limit of convention
al inorganic microelectronics. Aviram and Ratner proposed in 1974 rectifica
tion of electrical current through a single molecule D-sigma-A, 1, where D=
good one-electron donor, sigma=covalent, saturated 'sigma' bridge, A=good o
ne-electron acceptor, because, from the undissociated ground state D-0-sigm
a-A(0), the first zwitterionic excited state D+-sigma-A(-) is accessible un
der electrical bias. Many such D-sigma-A molecules were prepared. We found
unimolecular rectification in a molecule, gamma-hexadecylquinolinium tricya
noquinomethanide, 2, in which the ground state is zwitterionic: D+-pi-A(-),
while the first excited state is undissociated: D-0-pi-A(0).