Glutamine serves as a shuttle of useful nontoxic nitrogen, supplying nitrog
en from glutamine-producing (eg, muscle) to glutamine-consuming tissues. Tr
ue production rates of glutamine are difficult to measure, but probably are
less than 60 to 100 g/d for a 70-kg man. During catabolic stress increased
amounts of glutamine are released from muscle, consisting of protein deriv
ed glutamine, newly synthesized glutamine, and glutamine losses from the in
tramuscular free pool. The large and rapid losses of free muscle glutamine
are difficult to restore, presumably as a result of disturbances in the Na electrochemical gradient across the cell membrane. Whereas increased amoun
ts of glutamine are released from muscle, glutamine consumption by the immu
ne system (liver, spleen) also is enhanced. Thus, during catabolic stress c
hanges occur in the flow of glutamine between organs: These changes are not
necessarily reflected by alterations in the whole-body appearance rate of
glutamine. In contrast with the gut, where glutamine is taken up in a conce
ntration dependent manner, the immune system actively takes up glutamine de
spite decreased plasma concentrations. Supplementation with glutamine influ
ences uptake by both the gut and the immune system, as evidenced by increas
ed mucosal glutamine concentrations and gut glutathione production. There i
s evidence suggesting that this improves gut barrier function. Although the
benefit of glutamine supplementation is most evident from experimental stu
dies, clinical studies on the effect of glutamine do exist and suggest that
glutamine supplementation has beneficial effects with regard to patient ou