Background: Red lunulae have only rarely been described in patients with lu
pus erythematosus.
Objective: We assessed the frequency and classified the type of red lunulae
in patients with definite lupus erythematosus seen in an interdisciplinary
dermatorheumatologic outpatient clinic.
Methods: We studied 56 patients with either systemic or cutaneous lupus ery
thematosus fur the presence of red lunulae.
Results: Eleven of 56 patients (19.6%) with lupus erythematosus had red lun
ulae. All of them showed a complete type of red lunulae, which was seen on
all finger nails in 10 patients and on a single finger nail in 1 patient. S
even patients suffered from systemic lupus, the other from subacute cutaneo
us (n = 2) or chronic discoid cutaneous lupus (n = 2). There was no statist
ically significant difference in autoantibody expression or treatment regim
en between patients with or without red lunulae. However, symptomatic patie
nts had a shorter disease interval, and all but 1 showed either periungual
erythema or chilblain lupus. Periungual erythema was not observed in any pa
tient without red lunulae.
Conclusion: Red lunulae, although rarely described in the literature, are n
ot an uncommon symptom of patients with lupus erythematosus, They seem to b
e associated with periungual erythema or chilblain lupus. Red lunulae shoul
d be considered in the clinical spectrum of lupus disease.