For most of human existence and in most societies, women have been consider
ed to be property and subject to men. Throughout history, with such notable
exceptions as Queen Boadicea, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Elizabeth I of England
, and Catherine the Great of Russia, women had little or no power until ear
ly in the 20th century when the women's suffrage movement was successful in
the United States and in some European countries.
As women have gained political rights, groups of women have sought sexual a
nd reproductive rights, as exemplified by the feminist movement of the past
few decades in the United States. Although marked strides toward achieveme
nt of reproductive choice have been taken in high-income countries, there r
emain major structures to reproductive freedom for women in low-income coun
This area, which is replete with ethical and moral issues, has been address
ed by the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF), which has wor
ked to improve the sexual and reproductive health of women throughout the w
orld. The IPPF Charter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights is a paradigm for
both women's rights and human rights.
Karen Newman is policy adviser with the IPPF and has codrafted the IPPF Cha
rter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights together with two lawyers. She has h
eld several positions within the IPPF, including medical researcher, press
officer, and programme adviser in Europe, where she had responsibility for
working with new family planning associations (FPAs) in the Czech Republic
and Slovakia. At present, she is working to increase the capacity of IPPF m
ember FPAs to undertake human rights-based advocacy for sexual and reproduc
tive health and rights.
Judith F. Helzner is director of Sexual and Reproductive Health at Internat
ional Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region, Inc., where
she has worked since 1987, She holds M.A. degrees from the University of Pe
nnsylvania in International Relations and Demography. Her previous employme
nt includes the Pathfinder Fund and the International Women's Health Coalit