Serious adverse effects of immunizations are uncommon, The hepatitis B
vaccine has been implicated in a few dozen cases of extraarticular, s
ystemic, or inflammatory joint disorders, We report two cases in which
hepatitis A vaccination (Havrix(R), Smith Kline Beecham) was followed
by a connective tissue disorder or a spondylarthropathy in two health
y males aged 50 and 24 years, respectively, Both patients were BLA B27
-negative but carried the HLA DR1 and/or DR4 antigen, The outcome was
favorable after treatment with a corticosteroid or a nonsteroidal anti
inflammatory agent, The pathophysiology of immunization-related rheuma
tic disorders may involve circulating immune complexes and/or a mechan
ism similar to that seen in reactive arthritis, i.e., a genetically-de
termined susceptibility to the bacterial or viral antigens contained i
n vaccines.