BRCA1 mutation research in ovarian and breast cancer 17q21-linked families
has yielded a large number of germline sequence variations. Somatic mutatio
ns have been uncommonly reported. We screened 81 probands with primary ovar
ian, peritoneal, or fallopian tube carcinoma for BRCA1 mutations. The study
group was intentionally biased by the inclusion of 29 probands with a fami
ly history of ovarian and/or breast carcinoma, 13 probands diagnosed on or
before age 45, seven individuals with a metachronous breast cancer and 51 t
umors with BRCA1 LOH. Tumor and/or germline DNA was screened by modified te
chniques of single-strand confirmation polymorphism analysis, and abnormal
banding patterns were sequenced to confirm mutations. Twenty-one (25.9%) BR
CA1 sequence variations were identified. Eight mutations were somatic inclu
ding seven null mutations. Apart from classical hereditary ovarian/breast c
ancer, a family history of ovarian/breast cancer de fines a subset of ovari
an cancer individuals with a significant likelihood of either a germline or
a somatic BRCA1 gene sequence variation. (C) 1999 Academic Press.