The major goal of this study was to design signs which reduced the time and
distance students required to locale textbooks in a college bookstore. Bas
ed upon the 1992 research of Arthur and Passini, three new sign conditions
were devised: (a) iconic presentation, (b) new verbal labels, and (c) a com
bination of icons and new words. It was hypothesized that the changes to th
e design of the sign system would decrease the time and distance students t
raveled to locate textbooks. The 328 subjects had no previous experience or
knowledge of the university bookstore. During the iconic presentation cond
ition the signs used only drawings to display the message. This change to t
he sign system resulted in a significant increase in the lime and distance
students traveled to find their textbooks in comparison to the original sig
ns. Conversely, the redesigned signs using new verbal labels or a combinati
on of icons and new words to display content significantly reduced the time
and distance students traveled to locale their textbooks compared to the o
riginal signs.