The role of rhizosphere bacteria in facilitating Se and Hg accumulation in
two wetland plants, saltmarsh bulrush (Scirpus robustus Pursh) and rabbit-f
oot grass (Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.), was studied. Ampicillin-ame
nded plants (i.e., with inhibited rhizosphere bacteria) supplied with Na2Se
O4 or HgCl2 had significantly lower concentrations of Se and Hg, respective
ly, in roots than plants without ampicillin. These results were confirmed b
y inoculating axenic saltmarsh bulrush plants with bacteria isolated from t
he rhizosphere of plants collected from the field; these plants accumulated
significantly more Se and Hg compared to axenic controls. Therefore, rhizo
sphere bacteria can increase the efficiency of Se and Hg phytoremediation b
y promoting the accumulation of Se and Hg in tissues of wetland plants.