Background and Purpose-In secondary prevention, aspirin reduces risk of isc
hemic stroke. In primary prevention of stroke, however, the role of aspirin
is uncertain, especially in women.
Methods-In 1980, 79 319 women in the Nurses' Health Study cohort, 34 to 59
years of age and free of diagnosed cardiovascular disease, cancer, and rheu
matoid arthritis, completed questionnaires that included information on asp
irin use. Data on aspirin use were updated in 1982, 1984, and 1988. By 1994
, after 994 231 person-years of follow-up, 503 incident strokes (295 ischem
ic strokes, 100 subarachnoid hemorrhages, 52 intraparenchymal hemorrhages,
and 56 strokes of undetermined type) were documented.
Results-There was no clear relationship between aspirin use and risk of tot
al stroke; risk was slightly reduced among women who took 1 to 6 aspirin pe
r week and slightly increased among women who took 7 or Inert aspirin per w
eek. Women who took 1 to 6 aspirin per week had a lower risk of large-arter
y occlusive infarction compared with women who reported no aspirin use; aft
er simultaneous adjustment for other cardiovascular risk factors and select
ed nutrients, the multivariate relative risk was 0.50 (95% CI 0.29 to 0.85,
P=0.01). Women who took 15 or more aspirin per week had an excess risk of
subarachnoid hemorrhage; the multivariate relative risk was 2.02 (95% CI 1.
04 to 3.91, P for trend=0.02). The reduction in large-artery occlusive infa
rction with aspirin was of greater magnitude for older, hypertensive, or sm
oking women than for younger, nonhypertensive, or nonsmoking women; the ele
vation in subarachnoid hemorrhage with aspirin was also more apparent for o
lder or hypertensive women than for younger or nonhypertensive women. Aspir
in use was not associated with risk of other subtypes of stroke.
Conclusions-These prospective data indicate that women who take 1 to 6 aspi
rin per week have a reduced risk of large-artery occlusive infarction, but
those who use 15 or mon aspirin per week have an increased risk of subarach
noid hemorrhage. This observational study suggests benefits of aspirin for
ischemic stroke with low frequency of use and hazards for hemorrhagic strok
e with high frequency of use, particularly among older or hypertensive wome
n. Thus, the effect on total stroke will depend on the dose of aspirin and
the distribution of stroke subtypes and risk factors in the population.