Following a normal delivery, a 22-year-old primigravida experienced fever r
esistant to antibiotic therapy. On the tenth post partum day, thoracic pain
and chest X-ray were in favour of acute pneumonitis of left inferior lobe.
Considering the extension to the right lung and a normal bronchic fibresco
py, a computed tomography (CT) was performed which showed a right ovarian v
ein thrombophlebitis, right minor subpleural opacities and left pneumopathy
. The final diagnosis was post partum ovarian vein suppurated thrombophlebi
tis with pulmonary septic metastases from haematogenic diffusion. Post part
um thrombophlebitis is a rare event with an incidence of 1 per 2,000 delive
ries. Pulmonary inaugurating symptoms result rather from pulmonary embolism
than from septic metastases. Post partum persisting and unexplained fever
should be explored with abdominal CT-scan. (C) 1999 Elsevier, Paris.