Metal toxicity for living organisms involves oxidative and/or genotoxic mec
hanisms. Plant protection against metal toxicity occurs, at least in part,
through control of root metal uptake and of long distance metal transport.
Inside cells, proteins such as ferritins and metallothioneins, and glutathi
on-derived peptides named phytochelatins, participate in excess metal stora
ge and detoxification. Low molecular weight organic molecules, mainly organ
ic acids and amino acids and their derivatives, also play an important role
in plant metal homeostasis. When these systems are overloaded, oxidative s
tress defense mechanisms are activated. Molecular and cellular knowledge of
these processes will be necessary to improve plant metal resistance. Occur
rence of naturally tolerant plants which hyperaccumulate metals provides he
lpful tools for this research. ((C) Academie des sciences / Elsevier, Paris