Cryosurgery is one of the palliative treatment options to decrease local sy
mptoms due to rectal carcinoma. A total of 106 patients (aged 45-92 years)
underwent palliative cryosurgery for primary rectal cancer. Inclusion crite
ria were prohibitive surgical risk, unresectability, distant metastases, pa
tient refusal of surgical intervention, and old age. The palliative effect
of cryosurgery on local symptoms was classified as good, moderate, or none.
The duration of palliation was calculated in relation to survival as a pal
liative index: the number of months of (moderate or good) palliation divide
d by the number of months of survival from the start of the treatment, mult
iplied by 100. In 66 patients (62%) there was complete relief of local symp
toms, with a palliative index of 88%. In 17 patients (16%) palliation was m
oderate, and in 23 patients (22%) no palliation was achieved. The 50% survi
val duration in the 66 patients was 33 months. Especially symptoms of blood
and/or mucous discharge were easily alleviated. Good alleviation of local
symptoms was associated with the extent of the primary tumor process. Palli
ative effect was be assessed after a few treatments. Patients with circular
rectal tumors seldom had long-term palliative effects of cryosurgery. Our
findings show that Cryosurgery is a simple and safe treatment for rectal ca
ncer. It should be considered for alleviation of local symptoms in patients
with rectal cancer who are unsuitable for radical surgery.