The effect of crack tip blunting on the initial stages of creep crack growt
h is investigated by means of a planar microstructural model in which grain
s are represented discretely. The actual linking-up process of discrete mic
rocracks with the macroscopic crack is simulated, with full account of the
underlying physical mechanisms such as the nucleation, growth and coalescen
ce of grain boundary cavities accompanied by grain boundary sliding. Result
s are presented for C*-controlled mode I crack growth under small-scale dam
age conditions. Particular attention is focused on creep constrained vs. un
constrained growth. Also the effect of grain boundary shear stresses on lin
king-up is investigated through shear-modified nucleation and growth models
. The computations show a general trend that while an initially sharp crack
tends to propagate away from the original crack plane, crack tip blunting
reduces the crack growth direction. Under unconstrained conditions this can
be partly rationalized by the strain rate and facet stress distribution co
rresponding to steady-state creep.