The high-velocity impact of a three-dimensional rigid sharp impactor penetr
ating into a ductile layered armor is studied using a simplified model for
an impactor-armor interaction. The goal of the study is to determine the or
der of the plates in the armor that provides the maximum ballistic limit ve
locity. It is found that the ratio of the distortion pressure to the densit
y of the plate is the parameter that determines the order of the plates in
the multi-layered armor that provides the maximum ballistic limit velocity,
namely, the plates must be placed in the order of increasing this paramete
r, regardless of their thickness. The right order of the plates can be of p
rime importance if the values of this parameter vary strongly for different
plates. Numerical simulation is performed in order to verify the theoretic
al findings and to obtain a quantitative estimate for the increase in the b
allistic limit that results from changing the order of the plates in the ar
mor. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.