In magnetorheological finishing (MRF), magnetically stiffened magnetorheolo
gical (MR) abrasive fluid flows through a preset converging gap that is for
med by a workpiece surface and a moving rigid wall, to create precise mater
ial removal and polishing. Theoretical analysis of MRF, based on Bingham lu
brication theory, illustrates that the formation of a core attached to the
moving wall results in dramatically high stress on the workpiece surface. A
correlation between surface stress on the workpiece and material removal i
s obtained. A unique attribute of the MRF process is its determinism. MRF h
as been successfully implemented to polish optical surfaces to very high pr
ecision. MRF reduces the surface micro roughness of optical materials to le
ss than or equal to 10A. Figure errors are corrected to a fraction of a wav
elength of light and subsurface damage is removed. A wide range of optical
surface shapes, including aspheres, has been polished on many different mat
erials. Other applications in precision finishing are being considered, inc
luding integrated circuits and advanced ceramics.