In this paper we present P wave tomographic images of the mantle beneath It
aly obtained by inverting similar to 6000 teleseismic P and PKP wave arriva
l times,accurately repicked, recorded in the time period 1988-1994 by the s
tations of the National Seismic Network of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofis
ica. We pay great attention in the data selection and picking procedure of
seismic phases to obtain a very high quality data set. The data were invert
ed with the well-established Aki-Christofferson-Husebye tomographic techniq
ue; different reference models and residuals computation have been tried to
verify the stability of the results. The high quality of the repicked arri
val times allows us to enhance the definition of the deep structures beneat
h both the Alps and the Apennines, looking for their lateral and vertical c
ontinuity down to 800 km depth. The main finding of this study is a continu
ous high-velocity body located between 250 and 670 km depth beneath the ent
ire Apenninic system dipping toward the Tyrrhenian area, which continues up
ward segmented in two main anomalies in the northern Apenninic and the Cala
brian Arcs. We interpret this high-velocity feature as the subducted oceani
c lithosphere between the Eurasian and African plates, dipping down to the
upper-lower mantle boundary beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea. The retrieved image
s of the lithosphere subducting beneath Apennines are reliable in terms of
thickness (about 80-90 km) and P wave velocity contrast (2-4% higher than t
he normal mantle). Furthermore, our tomographic images, which focus on the
deep geometry and continuity of the velocity structures, provide new keys t
o understanding the geodynamic evolution of the Italian region. The segment
ation of the high-velocity slab upward suggests a complex evolution of the
arc-trench system and the initially continuous subduction of the Ionian-Adr
iatic plate progressively developed in subordinate arcs, probably due to la
teral heterogeneity of the subducting lithosphere.