Several plant-derived essential oils have been known for over a century to
have epileptogenic properties. We report three healthy patients, two adults
and one child, who suffered from an isolated generalized tonic-clonic seiz
ure and a generalized tonic status, respectively, related to the absorption
of several of these oils for therapeutic purposes. No other cause of epile
psy was found, and outcome was good in the two adult cases, but the course
has been less favorable in the child. A survey of the literature shows esse
ntial oils of 11 plants to be powerful convulsants (eucalyptus, fennel, hys
sop, pennyroyal, rosemary, sage, savin, tansy, thuja, turpentine, and wormw
ood) due to their content of highly reactive monoterpene ketones, such as c
amphor, pinocamphone, thujone, cineole, pulegone, sabinylacetate, and fench
one. Our three cases strongly support the concept of plant-related toxic se
izure. Nowadays the wide use of these compounds in certain unconventional m
edicines makes this severe complication again possible.