Polar magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE) measurements on an epitaxial Gu/Co (
23 Angstrom)/Cu (0-49 Angstrom)/Ni (53 Angstrom)/Cu/Si(001) structure revea
l that the Ni magnetization is aligned in plane for zero Cu spacer layer th
ickness and becomes increasingly aligned out of plane with increasing Cu sp
acer layer thickness, whereas an in-plane remanent magnetization for Co is
always observed. Layer selective polarized neutron reflection (PNR) measure
ments yield almost bulk-like magnetic moments of 1.57 +/- 0.08 mu(B) for Co
and 0.05 +/- 0.04 mu(B) for Ni for a Cu/Co (22 Angstrom)/Cu(10 Angstrom)/N
i (53 Angstrom)/Cu/Si(001) structure at room temperature. A reduced remanen
ce is observed for both the out-of plane magnetization by polar MOKE, and t
he in-plane magnetization for Co and Ni by PNR. This could suggest either a
canted magnetization or multidomain state at remanence.