Emission and excitation spectra and luminescence decay curves of enstatite
MgSiO3 single crystals nominally doped with Ni and Cr have been measured at
temperatures down to 10 K. For all the crystals under investigation, the e
mission band peaking at about 1520 nm is assigned to the T-3(2) --> (3)A(2)
transition of octahedral Ni2+ centres, whilst the luminescence around 800
nm is assigned to the T-4(2) --> (4)A(2) transition of octahedral Cr3+ cent
res. Chemical analysis has confirmed the presence of Ni impurities in the n
ominally Cr doped crystals, and Cr impurities in the nominally Ni doped cry
stals. The peak stimulated emission cross section of the 1520 nm emission o
f Ni2+ is 3 x 10(-20) cm(2).