This study investigates the relationships among patient's gender, physician
's gender, and physician's inquiries about depression symptoms and psychoso
cial stressors, treatment and subsequent medical record notation of depress
ion in primary care. One hundred forty-six physicians at three sites were v
isited twice by a standardized patient (SP) who enacted either major depres
sion with a psychosocial presentation or minor depression with a somatic pr
esentation. Each of the two cases was portrayed by both male and female SPs
who were assigned randomly to physicians. Results showed high rates of inq
uiry about depression symptoms and treatment, but rates varied considerably
by presentation and across physician-patient gender combinations. Male phy
sicians explored symptoms and discussed a diagnosis with female patients si
gnificantly more often than with male patients. Both male and female physic
ians recommended counseling more often for patients with the somatic presen
tation when they were female than when they were male. Record notations fol
lowed the same gender pattern.