A telemedicine system for minor injuries work comprises two main components
: (1) a face-to-face videoconferencing system, often including a second cam
era at the patient end for close-up pictures; and (2) a system for the tran
smission and display of radiographic images (i.e. teleradiology). There is
a wide variety of equipment being used for minor injuries telemedicine in t
he UK. For videoconferencing, low-cost systems-including those based on PCs
-and medium-cost systems are in use. For teleradiology, high-resolution sys
tems (i.e. those complying with the standard set by the American College of
Radiology) and low-resolution systems (i.e, those which do not) are in use
. The quality of the telemedicine interaction for minor injuries work there
fore appears to be less dependent on the sophistication of the equipment us
ed than on other factors, including human ones. Equipment choice has implic
ations for costs.