Objectives: Myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of human thyroarytenoid (T
A), lateral cricoarytenoid (LCA), interarytenoid (IA), vocalis, posterior c
ricoarytenoid (PCA), and cricothyroid muscles were examined using sodium do
decyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western bol
t techniques. The presence of superfast MHC was also assessed using antibod
ies directed against the extraocular MHC, Study Design: MHC protein was ana
lyzed using fresh human laryngeal muscles. Methods: Laryngeal muscles excis
ed from cadavers were processed for SDS-PAGE, The composition of MHC isofor
ms was determined by densitometry, Western blot was carried out to identify
specific bands. Results: MHC types IIA and IIB are the predominant MHC com
ponents in human laryngeal muscles. The adductor muscles-TA, LCA, and IA-ha
ve a higher percentage of type IIB MHC and a lower percentage of type I whe
n compared with the abductor-PCA The rank file order for type IIB MHC compo
sition (TA>LCA greater than or equal to IA>PCA) is the same in all specimen
s, A band migrating between type IIA and type I was observed in several spe
cimens, Although similar to type IIL in rats, this atypical band did not re
act with antiextraocular MHC antibody on Western blot. Conclusion: Characte
rization of laryngeal muscles determined by the composition of MHC is corre
lated with function and neural input. Human laryngeal muscle is characteriz
ed by a predominance of fast-type MHCs in laryngeal closing muscle and mixe
d fast-slow type MHCs in respiratory and phonatory muscle groups. Although
an atypical myosin band similar to type IIL (superfast) MHC in rat was iden
tified, it did not react with anti-extraocular MHC antibody.