This paper examines the percutaneous use of the Veress needle as a safe and
convenient adjunct to peroperative cholangiography during laparoscopic cho
lecystectomy. Peroperative cholangiograms were performed in 31 patients und
ergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The cystic duct was cannulated with a
4 F ureteric catheter, threaded through a Veress needle introduced percuta
neously. Peroperative cholangiography was performed using this method with
no complications. The cystic duct was easily cannulated. Air bubbles were n
ot observed in any film. The Veress needle is a useful tool for performing
peroperative cholangiograms during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It provide
s a simple, readily-available aid to cannulating the cystic duct.