Resource-use decisions made by households and local communities in pursuit
of today's survival and livelihood security are influenced by the policies,
institutions, and technologies that impact on their lives. Such decisions
are the main determinants of links between poverty elimination, improved la
nd care, and sustainable rural livelihoods. In the long term such goals can
be compatible but in the short term the need for increased yields with inc
reasing populations is likely to undermine sustainable natural resource man
agement. Increasing analysis and understanding of poverty, its measurement,
and identification of the processes that create poverty, as well as improv
ed land care are key to creating sustainable livelihoods. Hillside and moun
tainous areas are particularly vulnerable to poverty due to their inaccessi
bility, fragility, marginality, and diversity. Although many of the world h
ot spots for land degradation are found in hillside areas, there are also m
any bright spots where improvements in natural resource management are resu
lting in increased incomes. Poverty elimination will require revival of the
community stake in the natural resource base, restoring local control over
local resources, and use of local perspectives and traditional knowledge s
ystems in development activities. New policies, institutions, and technolog
ies will need to reflect these principles.