Objective: To determine the test-retest reliability of strength and fatigue
measurements in patients with MS and in healthy control subjects, and to e
xamine associations among motor fatigue, strength, and ambulatory impairmen
t in MS patients. Background: Motor fatigue, defined as the loss of the max
imal capacity to generate force during exercise, and weakness are common in
patients with MS. Method: Twenty ambulatory MS patients and 20 age- and se
x-matched healthy control subjects participated in the study. Test-retest r
eliability was assessed in two identical testing sessions, separated by 3 t
o 5 days. Maximal voluntary isometric strength was determined by fixed myom
etry of seven muscle groups on each side. Motor fatigue was assessed using
three exercise protocols: sustained maximal contractions (static fatigue),
repetitive maximal contractions, and walking as far as 500 m. Four analysis
models for static fatigue were examined for their test-retest reliability
and their ability to discriminate between normal fatigue and pathologic fat
igue from MS. Results: Test-retest reliability in MS patients was excellent
for isometric strength and very good for static fatigue. Test-retest relia
bility was lower for exercise protocols that involved repetitive contractio
ns or ambulation. Compared with healthy control subjects, MS patients were
weak in lower extremity muscles, but upper extremity strength was relativel
y preserved, Fatigue was greater in MS patients, even in muscles that were
not clearly weak. There were no significant associations between strength a
nd fatigue in any of the muscles tested. A fatigue analysis model based on
the area under the force-versus-time curve gave the best combination of rel
iability and sensitivity to detect differences between MS patients and heal
thy control subjects. Conclusions: Strength and motor fatigue can be measur
ed reliably in patients with MS. MS patients experience more fatigue than h
ealthy control subjects during sustained contractions, repetitive contracti
ons, and ambulation. Motor fatigue appears to be distinct from weakness bec
ause the degree of fatigue was not associated with the degree of weakness i
n individual muscles. Quantitative assessment of strength and fatigue may b
e useful to monitor changes in motor function over time in MS patients.