Background: Our objective was to investigate the influence of parental alle
rgy on the manifestations and course of allergic disease in children.
Methods and Results: A total of 15 234 school children aged 6 and 9 years w
ere evaluated by means of questionnaires completed by their parents in a cr
oss-sectional survey conducted in Tokushima, Japan. The prevalence and rela
tive risk ratio (RRR) for parental allergy in children with atopic dermatit
is, asthma and allergic rhinitis were 6.4% (RRR 2.5), 3.2% (RRR 2.4) and 15
% (RRR 2.4), respectively The risk of atopic dermatitis was particularly hi
gh in children whose parent had atopic dermatitis, with an RRR of 2.8 (fath
er) and 3.7 (mother). Children with a parental history of asthma also had a
high risk of that disorder (RRR of father 5.3, mother 6.2). However, the r
isk of allergic rhinitis was no different in children with a parental histo
ry of allergic rhinitis or from children with a parental history of asthma
and atopic dermatitis. A history of allergic disease in both parents, espec
ially of asthma and atopic dermatitis, increased the risk of allergic disea
se in the child. Milder symptoms, such as wheezy bronchitis, in schoolchild
ren were similarly related with the same hereditary tendency as the identic
al allergic disease. The disappearance of allergic symptoms with age also r
elated to a hereditary component, being less likely in children with a hist
ory of parental allergy than in those without such an atopic history.
Conclusions: The manifestations and course of allergic disease in school ch
ildren relate to parental allergic disease.