It was recently pointed out that the decays B+-->D-s*(+gamma) and B+-->D*()gamma can be used for an extraction of \V-ub\. The theory of these decays
is poorly understood. It was shown that in a world of almost degenerate b a
nd c quarks the decay would be computable. The severe difficulties that are
encountered in the realistic calculation stem primarily from the Very hard
photon produced in the two body decay. We point out that in the decays B+-
->D-s*(+)e(+)e(-) and B+-->D*(+)e(+)e(-) the photon Vertex is soft when the
charmed meson is nearly at rest (in the B+ rest frame). This allows us to
compute with some confidence the decay rate in a restricted but interesting
kinematic regime. Given enough data the extraction of V-ub with reasonably
small uncertainties could proceed through an analysis of these exclusive d
ecays much as is done in the determination of V-cb. [S0556-2821(99)05015-8]