Polymer gels are commonly used in industrial, analytical, and domestic appl
ications; their uses are likely to continue expanding as gels with novel ch
emical and structural characteristics are developed. These applications oft
en rely on the precise control of the adsorption behavior of a gel. Develop
ment of useful gels, however, has been hampered by a lack of molecular-leve
l understanding of the physics underlying phase transitions in such materia
ls. In this report, we review recent molecular simulation work related to t
he study of fundamental aspects of network elasticity and of phase transiti
ons in polymeric gels. In particular, simulations of simplified (coarse-gra
ined) molecular models are described which provide insights into the genera
l behavior of gels, as opposed to studies concerned with the properties of
specific materials. Methodological aspects unique to the simulation of diff
erent properties of polymeric gels are emphasized. We also pay special atte
ntion to the role of entropic factors (such as network topology, backbone s
tiffness,, chain length asymmetry), over that of energetic interactions (su
ch as hydrofobic interactions or ionic forces) on the onset and characteris
tics of phase transitions in gels. In spite of the important advances made
over the fast years in methodology and computer hardware, many challenges r
emain if phase transitions for more realistic gel models are to be simulate
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