Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare tumor with a broad range of pathologic and cli
nical manifestations that demonstrates a myriad of imaging findings. Recent
experience indicates that a more definitive role is possible for ultrasono
graphy (US) in the evaluation of cholangiocarcinoma. Dilatation of the intr
ahepatic bile ducts is the most frequently seen US abnormality in patients
with ductal cholangiocarcinoma. Klatskin tumors classically manifest as seg
mental dilatation and nonunion of the right and left ducts at the porta hep
atis. Papillary and nodular ductal cholangiocarcinoma are relatively easy t
o see at US: Papillary tumors resemble polypoid intraluminal masses, wherea
s nodular cholangiocarcinoma manifests as a discrete smooth mass with assoc
iated mural thickening. Infiltrating ductal cholangiocarcinoma at the porta
hepatis is the most common subtype but is the most difficult to appreciate
at US. Peripheral cholangiocarcinoma may be either nodular or infiltrating
at US: The nodular form predominates and appears as a solitary mass with a
distinct right lobe predilection, whereas the infiltrative form is rare an
d manifests as a diffusely abnormal liver echotexture. In capable hands, mo
dem high-resolution US equipment with color Doppler imaging capability is h
ighly sensitive in the detection, characterization, and determination of th
e potential for resectability of cholangiocarcinoma. Thus, use of US may ob
viate more invasive procedures in some patients and help identify those pat
ients for whom further investigation would be contributory.