This Study examines the link between social structural variables (gender, r
ace, education, age, rural childhood), individual social psychology (altrui
sm, self-interest, traditionality, and openness to change), and beliefs abo
ut the benefits of vegetarianism (for health, the environment, animals, and
world hunger) and self-reported vegetarianism. Data from a random sample o
f 420 adult U.S. residents showed that 5.2 percent considered themselves ve
getarian. The strongest predictor of vegetarianism as a dietary choice was
the belief that vegetarianism is beneficial to the environment. None of the
social structural variables had a direct influence on vegetarianism as a d
ietary choice. Of the four values studied, only altruism and traditional va
lues influenced beliefs about the benefits of vegetarianism. Altruistic val
ues increased, and traditional values decreased, beliefs that vegetarianism
is beneficial to health, the environment, farm. animals, and world hunger.
Blacks were more likely than Whites to adhere to the beliefs that vegetari
anism helps prevent cruelty to farm animals, is beneficial to personal heal
th, and is beneficial to the environment. The race differences in beliefs p
ersisted even with controls for values.