Small bowel obstruction is a significant surgical problem and is commonly c
aused by postoperative adhesions. Patients suffering from this condition ar
e often difficult to assess and require careful evaluation and management.
Articles regarding: the diagnosis, evaluation and management of small bowel
obstruction have been identified from the Ovid, Embase and Silver Platter
electronic databases and then reviewed by the authors. Particular emphasis
has been placed on randomised controlled trials or large prospective series
. Anecdotal reports or those containing small numbers have been largely exc
luded, but where they have been included it has been made clear in the text
The management of small bowel obstruction is predominantly the management o
f obstruction due to postoperative adhesions. The selective use of radiolog
ical techniques, such as water soluble contrast and CT studies, often help
to characterise the nature of the obstruction and may even help with its re
solution. Techniques involving the use of laparoscopy and barrier membranes
may reduce morbidity but there is a need to evaluate these strategies furt
her with prospective clinical trials.