Prostatic needle biopsies may contain small acinar proliferations that are
atypical but lack sufficient features for an unequivocal diagnosis of malig
nancy. The presence of a basal cell layer is considered to be an important
criterion for benignity. Thus its immunohistochemical detection by the high
-molecular weight cytokeratin antibody 34 beta E12 may be useful in further
characterizing atypical small acinar proliferations in prostate biopsies.
Of 2,031 biopsies between January 1990 and June 1997 at Albany Medical Cent
er, 27 representative biopsies diagnosed as atypical were retrieved and sel
ected for the study. One hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and one cytokeratin 34
beta E12 stained slides were provided for each case, which were reviewed b
y a panel of five pathologists. The participants were asked to classify the
lesions into one of four categories including favor benign/benign, atypica
l of uncertain significance, suspicious for carcinoma, and diagnostic of ca
rcinoma, based initially on H&E slides and again after evaluation of 34 bet
a E12 staining. Each case was assigned a consensus diagnosis when three or
more observers agreed. The participants had no knowledge of any clinical in
formation and follow-up data. Consensus diagnosis was achieved in 20 of 27
(74%) cases after review of the 34 beta E12 staining compared to 18 of 27 (
67%) initial consensus diagnoses on the basis of H&E alone. Nine (33%) diag
noses remained unchanged, whereas 15 (56%) were reclassified with the use o
f 34 beta E12, including eight cases that were finally judged diagnostic fo
r carcinoma. The lesion was not represented In the immunostained slides in
three cases. When the diagnoses of each participant were analyzed separatel
y,a more definitive diagnosis was achieved with the use of 34 beta E12 in 7
2% of the cases initially diagnosed as atypical of uncertain significance.
Of the cases that were suspicious for carcinoma based on H&E staining 85% w
ere confirmed after review of 34 beta E12 immunostaining. Also of interest
is the correlation between the average number of glands available fur diagn
osis and the diagnostic categories, ranging from three glands in the atypic
al cases to 10 glands in the carcinoma category. We conclude that although
morphologic evaluation remains the gold standard, 34 beta E12 can be an ext
remely useful adjunct in further classifying atypical small acinar prolifer
ations and in substantiating the diagnosis of malignancy in needle biopsies
containing small, atypical foci.