Accumulation of Ca2+ by the Ca2+-ATPase of skeletal-muscle sarcoplasmic ret
iculum has been measured in reconstituted, sealed vesicles as a function of
lipid composition. Measurements were performed in the presence of carbonyl
cyanide p-trifluoro-methoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) to eliminate any effects
of HC transport; in the presence of FCCP, addition of valinomycin had no e
ffect on the level or rate of accumulation of Ca2+ showing that, in the pre
sence of FCCP, no electrical potential built up across the membrane. Levels
of accumulation were low when the phospholipid was dioleoylphosphatidylcho
line (DOPC), even though DOPC supports high ATPase activity. Inclusion of 1
0 mol%, anionic phospholipid [dioleoylphosphatidic acid (DOPA) or dioleoylp
hosphatidylserine (DOPS)] led to higher levels of accumulation of Ca2+, 10
mol% being the optimum concentration. Cardiolipin or phosphatidylinositol 4
-phosphate were more effective than DOPA or DOPS in increasing accumulation
of Ca2+. Effects of anionic phospholipids were seen in the presence of an
ATP-regenerating system to remove ADP, and in the presence of phosphate wit
hin the reconstituted vesicles to precipitate calcium phosphate. Rates of p
assive leak of Ca2+ from the reconstituted vesicles were slow. The Ca2+-acc
umulation process was simulated assuming either simple passive leak of Ca2 from the vesicles or assuming slippage on the ATPase, a process in which t
he phosphorylated intermediate of the ATPase releases bound Ca2+ on the cyt
oplasmic rather than the lumenal side of the membrane. The experimental dat
a fitted to a slippage model, with anionic phospholipids decreasing the rat
e of slippage.