In addition to objective climatic data, subjective or social reactions can
also serve as indicators in the assessment of climatic changes. Concerning
the Little Ice Age the conception of witchcraft is of enormous importance.
Weather-making counts among the traditional abilities of witches. During th
e late 14(th) and 15(th) centuries the traditional conception of witchcraft
was transformed into the idea of a great conspiracy of witches, to explain
"unnatural" climatic phenomena. Because of their dangerous nature, particu
larly their ability to generate hailstorms, the very idea of witches was th
e subject of controversial discussion around 1500. The beginnings of meteor
ology and its emphasis of "natural" reasons in relationship to the developm
ent of weather must be seen against the background of this demoniacal discu
ssion. The resurgence of the Little Ice Age revealed the susceptibility of
society. Scapegoat reactions may be observed by the early 1560s even though
climatologists, thus far, have been of the opinion that the cooling period
did not begin until 1565. Despite attempts of containment, such as the cal
vinistic doctrine of predestination, extended witch-hunts took place at the
various peaks of the Little Ice Age because a part of society held the wit
ches directly responsibile for the high frequency of climatic anomalies and
the impacts thereof. The enormous tensions created in society as a result
of the persecution of witches demonstrate how dangerous it is to discuss cl
imatic change under the aspects of morality.