A physically based conceptual framework is put forward that explains why an
increase in heavy precipitation events should be a primary manifestation o
f the climate change that accompanies increases in greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
increase downwelling infrared radiation, and this global heating at the sur
face not only acts to increase temperatures but also increases evaporation
which enhances the atmospheric moisture content. Consequently all weather s
ystems, ranging from individual clouds and thunderstorms to extratropical c
yclones, which feed on the available moisture through storm-scale moisture
convergence, are likely to produce correspondingly enhanced precipitation r
ates. Increases in heavy rainfall at the expense of more moderate rainfall
are the consequence along with increased runoff and risk of flooding. Howev
er, because of constraints in the surface energy budget, there are also imp
lications for the frequency and/or efficiency of precipitation. It follows
that increased attention should be given to trends in atmospheric moisture
content, and datasets on hourly precipitation rates and frequency need to b
e developed and analyzed as well as total accumulation.