BACKGROUND The insulin tolerance test (ITT) is the reference standard for t
he diagnosis of cortisol and growth hormone (GH) deficiency, but problems h
ave occurred in small children in inexperienced hands and it is contraindic
ated in patients with cardiac disease and epilepsy. Hexarelin is a growth h
ormone-releasing peptide with GH-, ACTH/cortisol- and prolactin-releasing e
ffects which involve both hypothalamic and direct pituitary mechanisms. We
therefore investigated whether it could be used to test GH and ACTH/cortiso
l reserve in patients with pituitary disease.
METHODS AND SUBJECTS The changes in GH and cortisol in response to insulin-
induced hypoglycaemia (intravenous human Actrapid 0.15 IU/kg) and hexarelin
(2 mu g/kg) in 19 patients with possible pituitary disease (5 males, mean
age 39 years, range 21-70) were compared. The patients' responses during th
e hexarelin test were also compared to normal ranges of GH and cortisol res
ponses established in healthy volunteers following hexarelin administration
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION GH peak levels were significantly higher after hexar
elin than after hypoglycaemia (mean +/- SEM; 67.1 +/- 16 vs. 26.9 +/- 6.8 m
U/I respectively; P < 0.001), while cortisol levels were significantly lowe
r (420 +/- 34 vs. 605 +/- 50 nmol/l; P < 0.001). The peak responses of both
hormones correlated significantly between the hexarelin and insulin-induce
d hypoglycaemia tests (r = 0.80, P < 0.001 for cortisol). Peak GH levels af
ter hexarelin and ITT showed a significant positive correlation with IGF-I
levels (r = 0.84 and r = 0.77, P < 0.001 for both). All patients with a sub
normal GH response to hexarelin (<41.4 mU/I) had a peak GH response to ITT
of <9 mU/I, and only one patient had a normal (although borderline) respons
e to hexarelin with a subnormal GH response to the ITT. Although 17 of the
19 patients had corresponding cortisol responses to hexarelin and the ITT t
est (either failing or passing both), two patients had normal cortisol resp
onses to hexarelin but subnormal responses to the ITT, A peak serum cortiso
l level following hypoglycaemia of >580 nmol/l is indicative of normal cort
isol reserve, as established in patients undergoing surgery; only five of t
he normal volunteers and one of the thirteen patients with a normal ACTH/co
rtisol reserve on ITT had a peak cortisol >580 nmol/l in response to hexare
CONCLUSION Adult patients who have a subnormal peak GH response to hexareli
n are likely to be GH deficient on an insulin tolerance test. However, our
data suggest that the hexarelin test is not a useful test of ACTH/cortisol
reserve. The hexarelin test could be a useful first/screening test to diagn
ose adult GH deficiency, particularly in patients in whom an insulin tolera
nce test is contraindicated or who are already ACTH deficient and in whom t
he GH reserve alone is of interest.