The contribution of vegetation ecology to the study of biodiversity depends
on better communication between the different research paradigms in ecolog
y. Recent developments in vegetation theory and associated statistical mode
lling techniques are reviewed for their relevance to biodiversity. Species
composition and collective properties such as species richness vary as a co
ntinuum in a multi-dimensional environmental space; a concept which needs t
o be incorporated into biodiversity studies. Different kinds of environment
al gradients can be recognised and species responses to them vary. Species
response curves of eucalypts to an environmental gradient of mean annual te
mperature have been shown to exhibit a particular pattern of skewed respons
e curves. Generalised linear modelling (GLM) and generalised additive model
ling (GAM) techniques are important tools for biodiversity studies. They ha
ve successfully distinguished the contribution of environmental (climatic)
and spatial (history and species dispersal ability) variables in determinin
g forest tree composition in New Zealand.
Species richness studies are examined at global, regional and local scales.
At all scales, direct and resource environmental gradients need to be inco
rporated into the analysis rather than indirect gradients e.g. latitude whi
ch have no direct physiological influence on biota. Evidence indicates that
species richness at the regional scale is sensitive to environment, confou
nding current studies on local/regional species richness relationships. Pla
nt community experiments require designs based on environmental gradients r
ather than dependent biological properties such as productivity or species
richness to avoid confounding the biotic components. Neglect of climatic an
d other environmental gradients and the concentration on the collective pro
perties of species assemblages has limited recent biodiversity studies. Con
servation evaluation could benefit from greater use of the continuum concep
ts and statistical modelling techniques of vegetation ecology. The future d
evelopment of ecology will depend on testing the different assumptions of c
ompeting research paradigms and a more inclusive synthesis of ecological th