The effect of job rotation on the physical workload was investigated for ma
le employees working at a refuse collecting department. Before the introduc
tion of job rotation, an employee worked as a street sweeper, as a refuse c
ollector or as a driver. After the introduction of job rotation, every empl
oyee was allowed to alternate between two of the three possible jobs during
the day, i.e. refuse collecting/street sweeping, refuse collecting/driving
or street sweeping/driving. Two non-rotation groups (i.e. refuse collector
s and street sweepers) and two rotation groups (i.e. refuse collectors/stre
et sweepers and street sweepers/drivers) were mutually compared. The physic
al workload was determined by measuring the perceived load, energetic load
and postural load during a full working day. Job rotation resulted in a sig
nificant decrease of the perceived load and energetic load and a slight dec
rease of the postural load. The results indicate that the total amount of w
ork performed by means of job rotation resulted in an overall reduced physi
cal workload of the employees of the refuse collecting department.