Objective To evaluate the manometric and clinical efficacies of electrostim
ulation to treat anal incontinence,
Patients and methods Thirty-three women suffering from anal incontinence se
lf-administered anal electrostimulation twice daily for 15-min intervals fo
r 4 months.
Results After 4 months, the incontinence score decreased from 10.4 +/- 0.5
to 7.1 +/- 0.8 (P< 0.001) but all patients except two remained incontinent.
The decrease in the incontinence score was more marked in patients receivi
ng medical treatment for an associated bowel disorder, than in patients tre
ated by electrostimulation alone, Anal resting pressures and the amplitude
of voluntary anal contractions did not increase after 4 months.
Conclusion Electrostimulation decreased the incontinence score but all pati
ents except two remained incontinent after 4 months, suggesting that electr
ostimulation is not a clinically effective treatment of anal incontinence.
for J Gastroenterol Hepatol 11:1045-1047 (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wil