In three monkeys trained to finely grade grip force in a visuomotor step-tr
acking task, the effect of the context on neuronal force correlates was qua
ntitatively assessed. Three trial types, which differed in force range, num
ber, and direction of the force steps, were presented pseudo-randomly and c
ued with the color of the cursor serving as feedback of the exerted force.
Quantitative analyses were made on 85 neurons with similar discharge patter
ns in the three trial types and significant linear positive (54 cells) or n
egative (31 cells) correlation coefficients between firing rate and force.
An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that the population slopes for 2-
step were steeper than for 3-step trials. Another ANC OVA at the population
level, computed on the differences in firing rate and force between force
steps, persistently disclosed a significant effect of trial type. For the f
irst two force steps, the differences in firing rate were significantly lar
ger in the 2-step than in the 3-step increase trials. Further analyses reve
aled that neither the force range nor the number of steps was a unique fact
or. A small group of neurons was tested in an additional trial series with
a uniform cue for all three trials, leading to either a loss of context-dep
endency or to unexpected changes in firing rate. This demonstrates that the
cue color was an important instruction for task performance and neuronal a
ctivity. The most important findings are that the context-dependent changes
were occurring "on-line", and that neurons displaying context-dependency w
ere found in all three lateral premotor cortex hand regions and in the prim
ary motor cortex. Finger muscle activity did not show any context dependenc
y. The context-dependent effect leads to a normalization of the cortical ac
tivity. The advantage of normalization is discussed and mechanisms for the
gain regulation are proposed.