Recursive (online) expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm along with stoch
astic approximation is employed in this paper to estimate unknown time-inva
riant/variant parameters. The impulse response of a linear system (channel)
is modeled as an unknown deterministic vector/process and as a Gaussian ve
ctor/process with unknown stochastic characteristics. Using these models wh
ich are embedded in white or colored Gaussian noise, different tapes of rec
ursive least squares (RLS), Kalman filtering and smoothing and combined RLS
and Kalman-type algorithms are derived directly from the recursive EM algo
rithm. The estimation of unknown parameters also generates new recursive al
gorithms for situations, such as additive colored noise modeled by an autor
egressive process. The recursive EM algorithm is shown as a powerful tool w
hich unifies the derivations of many adaptive estimation methods.